
4.0 ( 8640 ratings )
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Розробник: Alfredo Bocanegra
0.99 USD

The 911ResQ App saves lives by empowering the user to take control of their emergencies. The operational concept of the application is simple: 911ResQ provides the user with the infrastructure necessary to rapidly communicate with the right Emergency Service Providers (ESPs).

During emergency situations, every minute counts and getting in contact with the right ESPs could be the difference between life and death. 911ResQ strategically identifies the closest ESPs when is needed the most: a moment of distress. 911ResQ App allows for the rapid search of the nearest Police Department, Hospital, Fire Department, Mechanic, Locksmith, Animal / Pest Control, Tow Truck, and a custom choice for the user to personalize his or her emergency. Other services and fucntionalities include:

- Identification and storage of In Case of Emergency Contacts with ability to chose from contacts within address book
- Auto Insurance store and save function
- A list of national reference number such as Suicide Prevention, and Domestic Violence
- Easy access to the flashlight functionality already on your phone yet hidden under all these settings
- One custom choice where user can input whatever he or she holds near and near their heart as an emergency

911ResQ also helps in soilving a social issue which is the saturation of 911 Call Centers by education the public on when to dial 911 and when to reach out to local non emergency but rather urgency service providers.